
Perioscopy in

Pasadena, CA

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Perioscopy in Pasadena

What Is Perioscopy?

  • Minimally Invasive: Perioscopy, also known as Dental Endoscopy, uses a tiny dental endoscope to visualize and treat periodontal pockets, reducing the need for surgical intervention
  • Enhanced Visualization: The endoscope provides a 48 times magnification view of the periodontal pocket, allowing for more precise cleaning and treatment of affected areas
  • Improved Diagnosis: Dentists can accurately identify and target plaque, tartar, and other debris that may be missed with traditional methods
  • Greater Comfort: Because it is less invasive, patients typically experience less discomfort during and after the procedure compared to traditional periodontal surgery
  • Effective Treatment: By thoroughly cleaning the root surfaces and removing infection-causing agents, perioscopy can help slow down the progression of periodontal disease and promote healing
  • Reduced Healing Time: The minimally invasive nature of perioscopy often leads to quicker recovery times and less post-operative pain
  • Results can be maintained for 36 months

Benefits of Perioscopy

  • Precise approach
  • Non invasive
  • May prevent surgery
  • Clinician can see the tartar
  • Treats periodontal disease
  • Improves tissue health
  • Pocket depth reduction
  • Reduces the risk of reinfection
  • Helps prevent tooth loss
Perioscopy in Pasadena
Perioscopy in Pasadena

Advantages of a Perioscopy

  • Non surgical
  • Recovery is fast
  • Patient can return to work same day
  • Stress-free treatment with optional local anesthesia
  • Surgery can be avoided
  • Minimal discomfort

Get The Care You Deserve

Healthcare Lending Options

Keeping Care Accessible

To keep your perioscopy procedure in line with your budget, our friendly team is here to walk you through your options and find a plan that works for you.

Call (626) 796-5361 To Schedule a Consultation

Stress-Free Treatment with optional Local Anesthesia

What can you expect from Perioscopy

Minimal Discomfort

Temporary Sensitivity

Perioscopy Post-Op Instructions

Step 1:

Do not eat until anesthesia has worn off

Step 2:

Rinse with warm water and salt rinses for 2 days, 2 x per day for 30 seconds each time

Step 3:

Take 1 tablet of 600 mg ibuprofen before anesthesia wears off and every 6 hours as needed

Step 4:

If bleeding, apply pressure with 2x2 gauze to control bleeding

Step 5:

Take antibiotics if the Doctor gave prescription

Step 6:

Brush gently around the working site, no need to floss the site until the next day

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