
Welcome to Foundation Dental Specialists, your trusted source for exceptional dental care in Pasadena, CA. At Foundation Dental Specialists, we take pride in staying at the forefront of dental technology to provide our patients with the best possible treatment options. In this blog post, we are thrilled to share how Biolase's Waterlase is providing incredible results in the fields of endodontics care, helping us deliver less invasive and more comfort for our patients.

Endodontics Care: Ensuring Dental Health

Healthy teeth and gums are vital for overall oral health. At Foundation Dental Specialists, our team of highly skilled specialists, including experienced endodontists, are dedicated to diagnosing and treating issues related to the tooth roots. If you need endodontic treatment such as a Root Canal, we have the expertise and cutting-edge technology to deliver exceptional results.

The Power of Biolase's Waterlase:

When it comes to endodontics, Biolase's Waterlase technology provides exceptional results. Waterlase combines laser energy with a gentle spray of water to create a potent and precise dental tool. This innovative technology offers several advantages over traditional dental procedures, including:

1. Minimally Invasive Treatment:

Waterlase uses laser energy and water to precisely target and treat the affected tooth roots while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue. Compared to traditional methods, this results in less discomfort, reduced bleeding, and faster healing times for our patients.

2. Enhanced Precision:

Waterlase provides exceptional precision, allowing our dentists to precisely remove infected tissue, debride root canals, and perform other intricate procedures with utmost accuracy. This ensures a more effective treatment outcome and a higher level of patient satisfaction.

3. Reduced Discomfort and Anxiety:

Traditional dental procedures often cause discomfort and anxiety for patients. With Waterlase, the need for drills and anesthesia is significantly reduced. The non-invasive nature of laser treatment with Waterlase leads to a more comfortable experience during and after the procedure.

The Versatility of Waterlase in Endodontics Care:

At Foundation Dental Specialists, we utilize the versatility of Waterlase to provide a range of endodontic treatments:


  • Root Canal Therapy: Waterlase allows for more efficient cleaning and shaping of root canals, leading to better results and improved prognosis for the tooth.
  • Apicoectomy: This surgical endodontic procedure, aimed at removing infected tissue at the tooth's apex, can be performed with precision using Waterlase.

Experience Exceptional Dental Care at Foundation Dental Specialists:

At Foundation Dental Specialists, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of dental care. Our team of experienced and skilled endodontists, combined with cutting-edge technology like Waterlase, ensures that you receive the best possible treatment outcomes.

If you are in Pasadena, CA, or its surrounding areas and are in need of an endodontist near you, look no further. Schedule your appointment with Foundation Dental Specialists today and experience the transformative power of Biolase's Waterlase for yourself!

Visit us online to learn more about our services and schedule your appointment today. Experience the gentle precision of Waterlase for advanced endodontics care at Foundation Dental Specialists in Pasadena, CA.


At Foundation Dental Specialists, we are dedicated to harnessing the latest advancements in dental technology for the benefit of our patients. With Biolase's Waterlase, we are able to enhance our patient experience by providing minimally invasive, precise, and comfortable treatment options. Trust our team of experienced specialists and our commitment to your oral health. Schedule your appointment today and embark on the journey towards a healthier, more radiant smile with Foundation Dental Specialists.